INLIGHT®: OSL-based dosimeter badge

INLIGHT dosimeter badge provides X, gamma and beta radiation monitoring with Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technology.
INLIGHT can be used for occupational, area, environmental and emergency radiological monitoring, in any kind of facilities. More than 2 million workers in the world are monitored daily with OSL LANDAUER dosimeter badges:
- Ready to use
- Robust, compact and lightweight dosimeter badge
- Fully personalised and customisable
LANDAUER dosimetry laboratory solution includes INLIGHT dosimeter badges, readers, annealers, software and so on.
Technical specifications

LANDAUER provides a comprehensive service
- advising you the right solutions fitting your requirement
- delivery and setting up on site
- training to the operation and first level maintenance
- on site and factory maintenance
- telephone and email hotline